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六下 Unit 6 story time 赛课 教案

发表日期:2015/4/30 9:20:37 作者:刘晓慧 有1108位读者读过


译林《英语》六下 Unit 6 An interesting country

Story time (Period 1)

一、        教学目标

1.     通过学习,学生能理解、熟读并能复述课文内容。

2.     通过学习,学生能认识部分澳洲的风土人情。

3.     通过学习,学生能正确朗读词汇 an interesting country, kangaroo(s), koala(s), find out, sports-lovers, exciting, Sydney

4.     通过学习,学生能初步感知will并能正确表达

二、        教学重难点


1. 学生能理解、熟读并能复述课文内容。

2. 学生能认识部分澳洲的风土人情。

3. 学生能认识英语学习的作用和重要性


1.     学生能正确朗读单词koala, Sydney

2.     学生能运用will进行表达

3. 学生能正确复述课文

三、        教学过程

Step 1 Warm up


Brain storm 

GuessWhat country is it?

Step 2 Presentation

1 . Lead in

a.     Australia is an interesting country.

(Title: An interesting country)

b . Have a talk

Before our lessons, how will you find out about Australia?

( Teach: I’ll   find out)

2.Learn story time

a.     Watch and match

The children will learn about Australia next week. How will they find out about Australia?

b.     Check the answer about every character and try to say He’ll/She’ll

c.      Listen to the article and choose:

What does the article talk about in Australia?

d.     Read carefully and underline details about every impact in Australia

e.      Check the answer and read the article

Step3 Consolidation

1.              Read after tape

2.              Read after teacher

3.              Read in groups

4.              Complete the note with Liu Tao

5.              Share the article with others

Step4 Extension

1.              How to introduce a country?

2.              Try to introduce China from these impacts.

Step 5 Homework

1.     熟读课文

2.     与家人和朋友分享你所知道的澳大利亚

3.     试着从不同的方面介绍中国